Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Top 10 tips for safer Mobile use

Now A Days mobile phone became one of the part of Human body and not only that it also seems that if u amputate that part the person will die immediately. So these are 10 important things that you need to take care while you use your Mobile phone. they are :
  1. Minimize the time spent talking on a cell phone.
  2. Use an air tube headset (hollow Tube headset different than a bluetooth) when speaking on the phone.
  3. Use the speaker phone  when ever it suits the surroundings.
  4. Texting is better option than talking but both are not good when you are driving.
  5. When no in use, keep your phone away from your body, in a purse or bag.
  6. Keep Cell phones off or in airplane mode when ever there is no signal.
  7. Allow older Children To Text and only speak on the phone on an emergency situation.
  8. Dont talk on a cell phone in public places so loudly.
  9. Keep cell phones away from Small children.
and the most important thing is   
    10. Avoid wearing metal rimmed glasses. these glasses can reflect radiofrequency radiation towards the eye.

Practice these 10 useful tips and use your mobile Safely 


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